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Students should score 80% or better to demonstrate proficiency of the lesson. Parents and students are able to see the Diagnostic Score and scores from lessons on the i-Ready website. Mrs. Johnson arrives at 7:45 most mornings and welcomes any student that needs to complete i-Ready lessons. Math Students have been very busy in math. They have been working on place value, comparing, and ordering numbers. As well as addition and subtraction. We are starting to work on rounding whole numbers to the nearest 10 and to the nearest 100. Students are also gaining more confidence in not only arriving at the correct answer, but being able to explain the process they use. Students are expected to be fluent with basic addition and subtraction facts. Miscellaneous September 18 Early Release @12:50 September 23 Field Trip to Silver Bluff Audubon Society, Aiken, South Carolina (8:15 am 2:00 pm) * If interested, conferences can be scheduled through Mrs. Schnorbus. * Please be aware of the changes to the countys volunteer policy if you are interested in assisting this year. * Proof of residency is required for each student. If you havent sent these yet, please do so as soon as possible. *Remember to check Class Dojo and the website for updates, announcements, and homework. Science In science, the students have just started learning about plant and animal adaptations. They have learned that adaptations help plants and animals survive. Once students have an understanding of adaptations, we will start learning about the different regions of Georgia. Students will learn how to differentiate between the regions. They will also learn characteristics of plants and animals that live in each region. Writing We have been reviewing essential writing skills. Students have practiced identifying complete sentences and fragments. We have also reviewed common nouns, proper nouns, and punctuation. We will be starting stoplight paragraph writing next week. Social Studies Students recently reviewed map skills in our geography unit. They also learned about the major rivers and mountains in the United States and are now able to locate them on a map. Geography will be discussed through the course of the year in science and social studies.  &CDR  $ % N _ ôypg^pUpLgCL:hO`hH=^JhO`hg^JhO`h!^JhO`hz^JhO`hv^JhO`hss^JhO`hX ^JhO`h ^JhO`h!5CJ$\^JaJ$hj h)h_ICJ8OJQJaJ`h)h>CJ8OJQJaJ`h)h)CJ8OJQJaJ`h!jh>UmHnHujh)UmHnHuhj h28&CJaJ"jhj CJUaJmHnHu &CDR 1 b e f g l 56 `gd/% `gdXv `gdP$a$gdP`gd! `gd"mtgdnA `gd. `gd)$a$gd!$a$gd_I   % ) 0 1 7 9 : * + , 9 ; c y  a b e f g k ʸwschO`hb#5CJ$\^JaJ$hj hI^gh.OJQJhO`h"mt^JhO`h1k ^JhO`hV^JhO`h^JhO`h%_^JhO`h.^JhO`hy2^JhO`h)^JhO`hJc^JhO`hnA^JhO`h2^JhO`hg^JhO`hH=^JhO`h!^J#k l  # 1 46789:;<=>?LMjqɿɿɿɲuqaQHB h>^JhO`h[^JhO`h 5CJ$\^JaJ$hO`h5CJ$\^JaJ$hj h!hPCJOJQJaJhPCJOJQJaJhb#CJOJQJaJh`WhO`h/%^JhO`h`W^JhO`h/%CJ^JaJhXvCJ^JaJhO`hXvCJ^JaJhO`h4dCJ^JaJhO`hb#CJ^JaJhO`hP5CJ$\^JaJ$6789:;=>?^`aigd/%dgd$ $da$gd$gdgd)gd2gdC$a$gd>`gdPgd`W `gd/%q ^_`aij\ĻͲ֥֊~qaXR hW^JhO`hW^JhO`hW5CJ$\^JaJ$hW5CJ$\^JaJ$hhu,PJ^JhO`h/%PJ^JhO`h5CJ$\^JaJ$hj hO`h ^JhO`h)^JhO`h^JhO`hS^JhO`h&^JhO`h^JhO`h/%^JhO`h2^J h>^JhO`hC^J$5678 dgd$ $da$gd$\$%%&,45678ǼǼҸh!hhj h>h$CJ^Jh>hWCJ^Jh>h:rCJ^JhO`h:r5CJ$\^JaJ$hWhWhW^J h$^J21h:pP/ =!"#$%  s666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666660660066p62&6FVfv2(&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J Normal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List 6U 6 `W0 Hyperlink >*B*ph@@  List Paragraph ^m$RR wi0 Balloon Text dCJOJQJ^JaJN/!N wi0Balloon Text CharCJOJQJ^JaJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vc:E3v@P~Ds |w< ;^6X - 8  ;^6X - 0 8 & k q\8 68 L  # @ V(    ^jJ?"Text Box 2c"$`?   ^jJ?"Text Box 2c"$`?   ^jJ?"Text Box 2c"$`?   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